
Be Smart!

It’s been a hot minute since I’ve posted. And quite honestly, I hadn’t intended to renew the domain when it expired because literally anybody can write about nutrition on the internet and sound convincing. It made me wonder – why would anyone pay attention to me versus what the next person is writing? But here’s the reason.



So while I think about what I’m going to write about next, remember these things:

  • Use legitimate sources. Remember that Registered Dietitians have at least a bachelor’s degree, have gone through an “internship” (similar to clinicals for doctors) and have passed their registration exam saying they know what they’re talking about. They are also required to stay up-to-date on the latest information by means of continuing education units (CEUs) every year.
  • Find someone that fits you. Just like any other medical profession, you aren’t necessarily going to jive with the first Registered Dietitian you encounter. We’re all different. I’m more of the “put my feet on my desk and be real with you” while others might be more of the “I wear a lab coat and heels so you take me seriously” personality. And there’s nothing wrong with either. But find someone that fits your personality and is interested in helping you be your best version of you.
  • But seriously, PLEASE use legitimate sources. And double check what they say against another source. I firmly believe the world would be a healthier place if we didn’t always accept the first or easiest thing we are told.


Until next time (which shouldn’t be too far away), eat food – not food products.