Why this page?

Why this page?

….because let’s face it, 2020 wasn’t exactly what we expected it to be when we were leaving 2019 behind. I think it’s safe to say that the majority of us experienced loss to some degree – loss of a loved one, loss of a sense of freedom, loss of a job, loss of self-control. Whatever it is, you’re not alone. We’ve all lost, whether we realize it or not. And for some, that loss has been excruciating.

But this isn’t a page to discuss the woes of life. There are plenty of other places and people doing that. Believe me, that’s the last thing I want to do. In fact, I removed myself from social media for several months because the negativity I was finding online was too toxic for me to handle. So needless to say, this won’t be one of those pages.

This is, however, a page to help keep you informed. My passion is wellness but more specifically, it’s nutrition. As a dietitian, I love food. But I also love helping people stay well, not just avoid sickness. So here, you’ll find my food-loving heart poured onto the pages of the interwebs to help educate you and your family, but also entertain you as we navigate the murky waters of a pandemic/post-pandemic era. And if you’re looking for more entertainment, check out my cat’s instagram page @scootie.mcnubbins. Because during quarantine, you do basically anything to keep yourself from going insane.


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