Meet Rebecca

Meet Rebecca

Growing up in Wisconsin, Rebecca was always surrounded by food.  Whether or not it was healthy is beside the point. The focus here is her love for food.

After hearing about the staggering healthcare costs of several preventable diseases such as diabetes, arteriosclerosis and several cancers, Rebecca was moved to pursue a career in nutrition. Shortly after that realization, she completed her Bachelor’s degree from the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay in Human Biology with an emphasis in dietetics. She then completed her dietetic internship at the Memphis VA Medical Center and successfully passed the national exam to become a Registered Dietitian. Since then, she has also completed her Master’s Degree in Human Nutrition and is an Integrative and Functional Nutrition Certified Practitioner.

Rebecca has held jobs in both in both clinical nutrition as well as community nutrition and private practice. Through all these career paths, she has learned the following- understanding nutrition isn’t easy, patience is a virtue, and quality nutrition services shouldn’t involve shaming.

The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison. ”    
Ann Wigmore


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