Good Riddance!
Good Riddance!

Good Riddance!

This will be short and sweet because the last month, well….hasn’t been.


Goodbye and good riddance to fall 2020 : Cornell

(Frodo is definitely following Paleo here because those are some wicked meat sweats)


My month of following Paleo has finally come to an end, and these are the conclusions I’ve come to (both positive and negative):


♦ While I don’t eat a lot of dairy in one sitting, I’ve discovered that I eat quite a bit over the entirety of the day. Little bits here and there add up, and I’ve noticed how much better I feel when I avoid it

→ Although dairy adds a certain flavor that is hard to mimic, try adding nutritional yeast to your foods instead. It tastes (somewhat) like cheese and adds a nutritional boost to your meal or snack!


♦ Breakfast has been very easy to make over the last four weeks because it’s essentially the same – egg casserole with some roasted veggies. Although having eggs everyday can get monotonous (and isn’t healthy), it takes the guessing out of what to make. And an added bonus? There’s a lot of potential for a good serving of veggies right away in the morning

→ My favorite veggies to use? Sliced sweet potatoes (roasted), roasted Brussel sprouts, onions, mushrooms, sautéed tomatoes and some type of greens


♦  This month involved eating a lot of fat, which I’m not a huge fan of. And neither is my body. Fat is necessary for several reasons, and we tried to get as much healthy fats as we could from avocado, olive oil, fish and nuts. But with the high meat and egg intake, it made it rather difficult.

→ Side note: I discovered the magic of coconut milk lattes because I couldn’t have dairy and don’t like almond milk. So part of that fat intake was definitely self-induced!



So here’s my overall assessment:



Needless to say, I’m glad this month is over and am looking forward to the next adventure!


Until next time…

…eat food, not food products!