Q&As – Paleo Style
Q&As – Paleo Style

Q&As – Paleo Style

I’ll be real here for a second…this post is late and lame. The struggle with using this blog platform has been real. In the past two weeks I’ve lost drafts, had to restart the computer mid-blog, almost thrown said computer out the window, and cried. But alas, here we are!


I wanted to share the most common questions I’ve received along this strugg…eh, I mean experience. Because curious people want answers! So here are my responses to the most commonly asked questions.

  • Do you have any concerns about following Paleo?
    • Yes, specifically regarding the amount of animal protein compared to plant-based proteins. Both are important, but there is rather convincing evidence that we need to incorporate more plant-based proteins in our diet. In fact, a lot of recent research focuses on how plant-based diets can protect against specific health conditions. I’ve been listening to a lot of podcasts lately from gastroenterologists and neurologists about the benefits of a plant-based diet, and not one of them has recommended the Paleo diet.
  • Have you noticed any difference in how you feel?
    • Yes and no.
      • Yes, because my stomach isn’t bothering me. The reason isn’t rocket science either….I’m sensitive to gluten but eat it anyway because it’s delicious. And sometimes, I’m just straight up weak. But, I’ve had literally zero gluten since the beginning of the month so of course it’s going to feel better.
      • No, because I see no improvement in sleep, energy or mood (just ask my husband). In fact, I may be a little more cranky (likely because this Wisconsin girl hasn’t been allowed to have any dairy and that’s just unethical).
  • Has it helped your RA at all?
    • Not really. It hasn’t increased my pain, but it has increased my morning stiffness. I have a couple theories about this, but the nutrition-related theory is that I think I’m eating more inflammatory foods. Meat is more inflammatory than plants, and this is only made worse by cooking with high, dry heat (aka grilling). More meat, less plants = more inflammation.
  • Are you sick of meat and eggs?
    • Yes, very much so. In fact, meal planning has been less than thrilling because I know it is going to be the same thing – meat, eggs, veggies, fruit, nuts, seeds. But, like I’ve said before, it can make meal planning easy in a pinch. Just throw together meat and veggies. Case in point….venison burgers with roasted veggies and sautéed green beans

But I’ve also made some delicious recipes over the last few weeks. Here are some examples!

Egg bake for breakfast – eggs, sweet potatoes, Brussel sprouts, onions, nutritional yeast and a bit of bacon

The pie I made for Pi Day. I got all the ingredients together, and then realized I don’t actually have a pie tin. So….here we have Paleo apple crisp!

Salads are pretty much a staple for dinners and lunches. The more colors and healthy fats, the better.

Salmon baked in tin foil with roasted potatoes

An example of a typical pan of roasted veggies. We’ve got cauliflower, Brussel sprouts, peppers, watermelon radishes and onions.

Morning glory muffins, made with apple, carrot, walnuts, flax seed, almond flour and coconut flour. Not half bad either!

I’ve made some delicious recipes, but I really can’t wait until this month is over. Although, I have found some interesting memes throughout this whole experience. This one takes the Paleo cake.

Paleo Diet – Sons of Franky Cabot

Until next time…

…eat food, not food products!