Make it easy
Make it easy

Make it easy



Photo by Saying Images 


Help yourself out by planning and prepping ahead of time.  That way, it’ll be a lot easier to stick with your plan. Another way to help yourself out?  Turn off the TV and avert your eyes!! Your body wants nourishment – not whatever is being advertised on the TV or on Facebook.


During the last several months, we wanted to support local businesses who were being most affected by the pandemic and executive orders. Our favorite pizza place always posts their specials on Facebook at just the right time of day….when I’m perusing Facebook after work to unwind. That also happens to be when I’m the hungriest.  HUNGRY = BAD DECISIONS.

            Don’t watch TV or go on Facebook when you’re hungry!

Do, however, eat what you have already planned out and made ahead of time. It’s a few days later and we’re still eating off of what I made Sunday…

  1. Mediterranean vegetable soup – made with organic, grass-fed bone broth
  2. Turkey meatball soup –  made with organic, grass-fed bone broth and turkey instead of beef
  3. Baked chicken with roasted tomatoes, sweet potatoes and onions. We also had roasted brussel sprouts, carrots and onions. (No recipe, just something that was made off the top of my head)

On tap for dinner tomorrow: Salmon patties with roasted butternut squash and salad!


Another word of advice: always have vegetables on hand that can be roasted to make a quick meal.  Our go-to veggies? Cauliflower, sweet potatoes, onions, brussel sprouts, broccoli and squash. We also like to have greens on hand to make salads and add to smoothies.

If you follow these tips, I guarantee it’ll make a difference in your goal of eating healthier.

Until next time…

…eat food, not food products!


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